My new addiction: vintage clothing and designer jewelry
by Array
Have you noticed the growing popularity of vintage fashion? Personally, I'm hooked. The prints, the colors, the uniqueness of the models... Combined with contemporary jewelry, it's the assurance of a unique and ethical look !

A few years ago, when I was still consuming in the big fast-fashion brands, I felt a certain weariness. One day, in my subway car, there were 3 of us wearing the same shirt with the print of the moment... I, who have the reputation of having an original wardrobe, was no longer finding my way. On the other hand, by becoming aware of the environmental impact of the excessive production of new clothes, I no longer enjoyed going shopping. And then, I discovered vintage .
I'm so glad that this trend is coming strong in fashion; indeed, there are so many reasons to love vintage:
- It's a reaction to excessive consumption : The vintage movement opposes the overconsumption and waste associated with fast fashion. People are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of the fashion industry, which pushes them to opt for ready-made clothes rather than supporting mass production.
- Originality and individuality: Vintage clothing tends to be unique and stand out from mass-produced fashion items. People seek to express their individuality and personal style through rare and original pieces.
- Cyclical trend: Fashion often follows cycles, with trends coming back into fashion after a few decades. We are currently returning to oversize and graphic patterns. We are producing "fake" vintage made in Asia and of poor quality while the same type of model (unique) can be found in thrift stores. - Quality and durability: Vintage clothing is often associated with higher quality and greater durability compared to many fashion items produced today.
- Treasure Hunt: Searching for vintage pieces can be an adventure in itself. I've taken to scouring thrift stores, flea markets, and second-hand shops for that special treat.
Ultimately, the return of vintage is the result of a combination of cultural, economic, environmental and personal factors. It reflects a shift in attitudes towards fashion and consumption, emphasizing values such as sustainability, stylistic diversity and personal creativity. Go vintage!
Oh yes, and what I'm not telling you is that I'm going to launch a line of custom vintage clothing, screen printed by hand in my workshop. If you want to know more, follow my other insta account @byebyemonique or subscribe to the newsletter, I'll tell you about it soon !